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- Ensuring Compatibility
- with Next Generation Amiga Graphics Hardware
- Copyright (c) 1991-1992 Commodore International Services Corporation
- All Rights Reserved.
- NOTE - This document contains a great deal of information to help
- you remain compatible with and take advantage of V39 and future chips.
- Please also consult all current readmes and release notes for the latest
- information on current implementations and features.
- Do NOT distribute this information. This information may only be
- discussed in Commodore's closed developer conferences, and only
- if Commodore opens a topic for discussion.
- CONFIDENTIAL - The information contained herein is confidential and
- proprietary. This information is provided under non-disclosure
- for inhouse use only by registered Amiga developers.
- PRELIMINARY - The information contained herein is preliminary.
- WARNING - The information contained herein is subject to change without
- notice. Commodore specifically does not make any endorsement or
- representation with respect to use, results, or performance of the
- information (including without limitations its capabilities,
- appropriateness, reliability, currentness, or availability).
- DISCLAIMER - This information is provided "as is" without warranty of any
- kind, either express or implied. The entire risk as to the use of this
- information is assumed by the user. In no event will Commodore or its
- affiliated companies be liable for any damages, direct, incidental, special
- or consequential, resulting from any defect in the information, even if
- advised of the possibilities of such damages.
- Table of Contents
- Introduction/Purpose
- New Hardware Features
- Ensuring Compatibility
- Known No-Nos
- Taking Advantage of New Features
- What to Expect From New Software
- Table: New Modes
- Introduction/Purpose
- The capabilities of the built-in Amiga graphics hardware had not changed
- significantly between the introduction of the Amiga 1000 in 1985 and the
- release of the Amiga 3000 in 1990. The ECS chipset and the display
- enhancer added several new graphics modes and increased the functionality
- of existing modes -- yet the market demands more.
- Commodore is working on a graphics chipset which will include many
- substantial new features.
- This document explains the features of this next generation Amiga graphics
- hardware, and ways to ensure application compatibility with these features.
- Additionally, coding methods are outlined which will allow current software
- to automatically exploit some of the new features.
- Finally, so that developers can begin "sketching out" applications that
- will support the new chipset, a brief overview of some of the relevant
- planned system software changes is provided.
- New Hardware Features
- This is a summary of the new Amiga graphics hardware's features.
- Enhanced Bandwidth - A 32 bit wide data bus allows doubling of memory
- bandwidth (to 2x the normal bandwidth) and supports the input of 32 bit
- wide bitplane and sprite data. Bandwidth may be doubled again (to 4x) by
- using Fast Page Mode RAM.
- More Bitplanes - The maximum number of bitplanes has increased to 8 in all
- resolution modes. This translates to a 256 entry color table for each
- available mode.
- Enhanced Dual Playfield Support - Each playfield may now have up to 4
- bitplanes. The bank of 16 colors in the 256 color table is independently
- selectable for each playfield.
- Larger Palette - Each entry in the color table may now be 25 bits wide (8
- bits each for Red, Blue, and Green data -- plus 1 bit for genlock
- information). This translates to a palette of 16,777,216 colors.
- Enhanced Sprite Support - Sprite resolution can be set to lores, hires, or
- super-hires, independent of screen resolution. Attached sprites are now
- available in all modes. However, some new higher bandwidth modes may
- only allow one sprite. Odd and even sprites may use their own independent
- 16 color bank from the 256 color table. Old format sprites may still be 16
- bits wide, and new format sprites may be 32 or 64 bits wide. Sprites may
- now optionally appear in the border region. The horizontal positioning
- resolution of sprites has increased to 35ns (equivalent to super-hires
- pixel widths.)
- Enhanced hardware scrolling support - Two extra bits allow seamless
- scrolling of up to 64 bit wide bitplanes in all resolutions. The
- resolution of bitplane scrolling has been increased to 35ns.
- Hardware scan doubling support - 15khz bitplanes and sprites may now be
- scan doubled for flicker free display on 31khz monitors, and for enhanced
- display sharing with 31khz bitplanes.
- ECS compatibility - New chips will power-up in an ECS compatibility mode,
- which will allow many older self-booting programs to be run on new machines.
- Ensuring Compatibility
- This section covers programming techniques which will help ensure that an
- application will work as expected when running on systems that use next
- generation graphics hardware.
- The most important thing to remember about maintaining compatibility (and
- this applies to all software-hardware issues) is to never access the
- hardware directly. As a few developers learned when users tried to run
- their applications on the Amiga 3000, hardware does change, and the correct
- way to access it is through the system software. When the hardware is
- changed, the system software changes with it, and old programs that use the
- new software have a better chance of running properly.
- An important issue here is that you should use the current system software.
- Applications should be written to run under release 2.0 of the operating
- system, as it will be the basis for all new hardware support, and release
- 1.3 cannot open the new modes.
- One of the main reasons that 2.0 will be a minimum requirement is the
- Display Database. Starting with the ECS chipset, not all machines have all
- display modes. This will be even more true in the future. The only way to
- know if a particular mode is available is to check the Display Database.
- For a detailed explanation of how to properly open a screen using the
- Display Database information to check for available modes, see the
- AmigaMail Volume Two articles entitled "An Introduction to V36 Screens and
- Windows" (page IV-3) and "Opening Screens and Windows on Any Amiga" (Page
- IV-17). Some of the pertinent details can also be found in the Paris
- DevCon notes article entitled "Monitors, Modes, and the Display Database."
- Once a screen has been opened, manipulating that screen should also be
- handled using system calls.
- In particular, these manipulations must be handled by the system software:
- allocation of graphics resources - Use graphics.library
- palette manipulation - Use graphics.library
- sprite manipulation - Use graphics.library
- manipulating icons - use icon.library
- allocating & changing colormaps & colortables - use graphics.library
- bitplane allocations - use AllocRaster(), but please refer to the next
- section for important information about limitations of AllocRaster() which
- will require a new and different function to be called.
- Furthermore, these manipulations should be handled by the system software
- whenever possible:
- drawing operations - Use graphics.library and intuition.library
- blitter operations - Use Blt[BitMap, RastPort, etc.] functions & macros
- (from graphics.library.) REMEMBER -- When using the blitter directly,
- ALWAYS use the system's WaitBlit() function instead of your own. The
- system knows about and handles problems with the BLITTER_DONE signal that
- different revisions of the Agnus chip have.
- Remember that the internals of system structures are subject to change or
- extension. For new graphics hardware, structures likely to be extended
- those associated with ColorMaps, ViewPortExtras, Sprites, and many others.
- To deal with the "shifting sands" of system structures, developers should
- use system calls to allocate, create, and manipulate these structures. For
- example, pre-V39 applications should always use InitBitMap to properly
- initialize a BitMap structure. Applications that support V39 should
- use the new AllocBitMap() call to handle both allocation and initialization.
- Even structures that may not change should still be accessed with system
- calls, because their contents may be calculated in different ways.
- If an allocation call is available, use it. If an initialization
- call is available, use it. See the V39 graphics.doc autodoc for
- specifications of new functions such as AllocBitMap().
- Not all system structures have "Get" and "Set" calls, but developers need
- to use the ones that do exist. For example, it is better to use
- "SetAPen(myRastPort,n)" instead of "myRastPort->FgPen=n; SetDrMd()".
- Many additional Set and Get functions are provided in V39. For upwards
- compatibility, use always the Set and Get functions when available.
- A note about hardware -- the new chips will power-up in an ECS compatible
- state, which will allow a large portion of older, self-booting (read -
- "games") software to run even though the hardware is hit hard by such code.
- However, any software which is expects to be run after the operating system
- has been started will need to be very careful with the hardware.
- THE SOFTWARE WILL LIKELY BREAK. It is much better for the software to
- depend on the system software, which will be made to work with the new
- hardware. While some efforts are made to allow older hardware-banging code
- to function with new hardware, not everything can or will be compatible.
- You have been warned. With this in mind, for those developers who (for
- whatever reason) absolutely insist on using hardware directly, remember
- these points. (Paraphrased from the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual)
- Applications must not write spurious data to, or interpret data from,
- currently unused bits or addresses.
- Applications must set undefined bits to zero for writes and ignore them
- for reads.
- Play it safe -- when reading, mask out ALL the bits EXCEPT the ones you're
- actually interested in.
- Known No-Nos
- This short list represents some known coding strategies that will cause
- software to function incorrectly on new hardware.
- * Incorrect allocation of BitMap planes:
- This problem surfaces because the new chips have an increased fetch
- bandwidth. Bitplane data must be properly aligned in CHIP memory for this
- feature to work.
- Wrong -
- for(planenum=0; planenum<DEPTH; planenum++)
- bitmap.Planes[planenum]=(PLANEPTR)AllocMem(RASSIZE(width,height),MEMF_CHIP);
- Wrong -
- allplanes=AllocMem(DEPTH*RASSIZE(width,height),MEMF_CHIP);
- Instead, current software should call the graphics.library AllocRaster()
- function to reserve space for BitMap planes. Unfortunately, AllocRaster
- will not be able to automatically align bitmap planes unless they are a
- multiple of 32 (for 2x bandwidth modes) or 64 (for 4x bandwidth modes.)
- The new V39 graphics function AllocBitMap() properly handles all
- such allocation issues. OpenScreenTags (intuition) uses AllocBitMap()
- under V39.
- Correct V39 method for allocating rasters -
- This method will allow you to get the greater bandwidth, more efficient,
- displays under V39 in a manner that should be upwards-compatible with
- future enhancements:
- Use graphics function: AllocBitMap()
- OR Use intuition function: OpenScreenTags()
- The following pre-V39 compatible AllocRaster should also be usable
- to get higher bandwidth displays (no guarantees - we suggest you
- conditionally code to use AllocBitmap() for future compatibility):
- /* Certain modes REQUIRE 2x or 4x bandwidth.
- When using AllocRaster(), the only way to be sure that bitplane memory
- will be properly aligned is to make the WIDTH of the raster a multiple
- of 64 for 4x modes and a multiple of 32 for 2x modes.
- V39 may be able to provide greater bandwidth for rasters allocated
- this way: */
- width = (some multiple of 64);
- for(planenum=0; planenum<DEPTH; planenum++)
- bitmap.Planes[planenum]=(PLANEPTR)AllocRaster(width,height);
- * Incorrect assumptions BitMap->BytesPerRow:
- Applications that use the supplied system functions to initialize and
- allocate BitMaps and their elements should be aware that the value of
- BitMap->BytesPerRow may be different from the expected value, depending on
- the bandwidth mode chosen, and the asked-for width of the allocated planes.
- We should explain why, a bit. First, due to fetch-alignment restrictions,
- we may need a higher granularity (BytesPerRow a multiple of 4 or 8, instead
- of just 2 under ECS). Second, BytesPerRow actually means two different
- things, which have always been identical, but aren't any more when
- using interleaved bitmaps.
- BytesPerRow officially means "the number of bytes you have to add to a
- pointer to a byte of the BitMap to get to the same place one row
- down". It no longer can be depended on to mean "the number of bytes
- in this row". For interleaved bitmaps, BytesPerRow is quite a bit larger
- than the number of bytes in this row. GetBitMapAttr( bm, BMA_WIDTH ) can
- return the true width in pixels.
- * Improper checking for PAL vs. NTSC:
- Software which uses release 2.0 (V36) or greater of the OS should NEVER use
- GfxBase->DisplayFlags to determine whether the machine is running in PAL or
- NTSC. GfxBase->DisplayFlags is obsolete and may not accurately reflect the
- desired mode of the user.
- IsPAL=(GfxBase->DisplayFlags & PAL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- Instead, the modeID of the default public screen (or the default monitor,
- if the default public screen is set to something other than PAL or NTSC
- (like VGA)) should be checked.
- Correct-
- Bool IsPAL;
- struct Screen *screen;
- struct DisplayInfo displayinfo;
- if (screen = LockPubScreen(NULL))
- {
- if ((modeID = GetVPModeID(&(screen->ViewPort))) != INVALID_ID)
- {
- if (!((modeID & MONITOR_ID_MASK) == NTSC_MONITOR_ID ||
- modeID = LORES_KEY;
- }
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL,screen);
- }
- if (GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *) &displayinfo,sizeof(struct DisplayInfo),DTAG_DISP,modeID))
- {
- if (displayinfo.PropertyFlags & DIPF_IS_PAL)
- else
- }
- 39.82 NOTE:
- If the display mode of the default public screen is double-PAL, DIPF_IS_PAL
- is not yet set. This will be fixed. Note that if the display mode of
- the default public screen is "default", and the machine is PAL, and
- promotion is on, then the default monitor is double-PAL, and the same
- applies. Again, we expect to set DIPF_IS_PAL for modes of the double-PAL
- monitor.
- * Incorrect assumptions about ColorMaps & ColorTables:
- Because the color system undergoes significant changes, ColorMaps should
- always be allocated using GetColorMap(); freed using FreeColorMap(); colors
- changed using LoadRGB4(), SetRGB4(), or SetRGB4CM(); and colors queried
- using GetRGB4(). Specifically, the value ColorMap->ColorTable and the
- structure pointed to by it should never be poked or read directly.
- Unfortunately, the old IFF sample code does NOT call the proper system
- functions, and instead reads ColorMap->ColorTable directly - This is
- incorrect, and code based on the original IFF sample code should be checked
- and changed. The new IFF code (NewIFF.lzh, latest version available
- in BIX amiga.cert/com/dev listings, sent to ADSP, sent to Fred Fish)
- has been updated to never access the ColorMap->ColorTable directly.
- New V39 functions for getting, setting, and loading color registers
- are provided. These new functions treat color guns (R, G, B)
- each as 32-bit values for handling both 8-bit guns and any
- conceivable future needs. Use these new 32-bit color functions
- when running under at least V39 for future compatibility.
- When using 4 or 8-bit R/G/B values, scale your values to 32 bits by
- duplicating your 8 bit value in all 4 bytes of the 32 bit value.
- When scaling up a 4 bit value, duplicate it in all nibbles.
- e.g.: 8-bit red value $1F becomes $1F1F1F1F;
- 4-bit red value $3 becomes $33333333;
- Important note about NUMBER OF COLORS: Older IFF code (even earlier
- newiff code) would not load more than 32 color registers. The
- new code has been updated to base its upper limit for color loading
- on the ColorMap->Count of the ViewPort of the destination display.
- Remove old limitations of 32 registers in your code, and replace
- by limiting to ColorMap->Count registers.
- The release 2.0 graphics.library VideoControl() function should be used to
- get, set, or clear the special features associated with ColorMaps.
- * Poking Copper lists and/or Copinit:
- The structure and order of Copper lists will change for all modes, so any
- program that relies on poking the Copper lists will likely break. Certain
- programs (especially games) make assumptions about copinit and poke it
- directly -- These programs will break with the new chips.
- * Dangerous Bits in display hardware:
- Beware of poking the following bits -
- In BPLCON0: bits 0, 4, 5, 6, and 7
- In BPLCON2: bits 7, 8, 9
- In BPLCON3: bits 0,1,6,7, and bits 9 through 15
- * Illegal use of the processor to write to BitPlane and Sprite data
- registers
- BitPlane and Sprite data registers should NOT be written to by the
- processor. The correct way for data to be fed to the chips is by setting
- up DMA that points to the data in CHIP memory.
- * Illegal re-use of sprites on the same line
- Attempting to re-use sprites on the same horizontal line by redefining
- the sprite data is illegal and unsupported. Sprites may only be re-used
- vertically -- and then only with at least a one line gap between re-uses.
- See the "Amiga Hardware Reference Manual" for an example of sprite re-use.
- * Incorrect allocation of sprite Image Data:
- Because of the increased fetch bandwidth of the new chips, sprite image
- data must be properly aligned in CHIP memory. Under 2.0, the best way to
- allocate this memory is to call the exec.library AllocMem() function.
- * Forgotten FreeSprite():
- Sprites may now have a number of different modes. However, under
- Intuition, these modes are global to all sprites. If a program gets a
- sprite in a particular mode, but then does not free it, Intuition (and all
- intuition based programs, including workbench) are forced to use sprites in
- the mode of the forgotten sprite. In general, it is good practice to not
- use sprites other than the pointer when coding software that is meant to be
- Intuition compatible.
- Taking Advantage of New Features
- Obviously, new versions of the system software will take advantage
- of these new chips. But even without new system software, here are some
- strategies which should allow code to "automagically" take advantage of
- some of the new software's features.
- Previously impossible deeper modes:
- Properly written software can use the calling syntax of the current
- graphics.library and intuition.library functions to open the ECS screen
- modes with larger numbers of bitplanes. These modes are simply deeper
- bitplane versions of existing modes -- lores 6,7, and 8 bits; hires 5,6,7,
- and 8 bits; super-hires 3,4,5,6,7, and 8 bits; and VGA 3,4,5,6,7, and 8
- bits. Obviously, the Display Database must be checked to see if these
- modes support the desired number of bitplanes before actually trying to use
- them.
- Intuition's screen functions should be used to open these previously
- impossible screens, but programs cannot rely on Intuition to throw out all
- "bad" possibilities. For example, V36 Intuition will open an 8 bit lores
- screen, and the 3 high bits simply go unused. Programs will therefore need
- to explicitly check the display database to find out what the chips support.
- 39.82 NOTE: Note that starting with this release, Intuition will fail to
- open a screen which is "too deep". There is a new SA_ErrorCode value,
- NOTE: The currently defined Display Database ModeIDs have all been
- moved to the new include file: graphics/modeid.h and .i
- Do NOT use homebrew modeid's created by OR'ing together monitors
- and modes. Use only defined modes or modes listed as available
- in the display database (see AmigaMail, Devcon code, 2.0 RKM Libraries
- manual, following example, and new screen mode requester example).
- Given enough chip RAM, this complete example (release 2.0 or greater)
- will check the display database entry for a LORES screen and open a screen
- with the maximum allowable number of bitplanes. On an Amiga with any
- chipset up to and including ECS, this code will open a 5 bitplane screen.
- On a machine with the next generation chipset, the screen will be 8 bits
- deep. The code will then draw one vertical line for each available color,
- using Intuition's "preferred" palette (which is presumably set by the user
- using preferences.)
- /*
- * maxdepthlores.c
- */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- void Quit(char whytext[],UBYTE failcode)
- {
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) IntuitionBase);
- if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) GfxBase);
- printf("%s\n",whytext);
- Delay(50*10);
- exit(failcode);
- }
- void main(void)
- {
- DisplayInfoHandle displayhandle;
- struct DimensionInfo dimensioninfo;
- UWORD maxdepth, maxcolors;
- ULONG soerror = NULL,colornum;
- struct Screen *screen;
- if ((GfxBase=
- (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",36))==NULL)
- Quit("graphics.library is too old <V36",25);
- if ((IntuitionBase=
- (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",36))==NULL)
- Quit("intuition.library is too old <V36",25);
- if ((displayhandle=FindDisplayInfo(modeID))==NULL)
- Quit("modeID not found in display database",25);
- if (GetDisplayInfoData(displayhandle,(UBYTE *) &dimensioninfo,
- sizeof(struct DimensionInfo),DTAG_DIMS,NULL)==0)
- Quit("mode dimension info not available",25);
- maxdepth=dimensioninfo.MaxDepth;
- printf("dimensioninfo.MaxDepth=%d\n",(int) maxdepth);
- if (screen=OpenScreenTags(NULL,SA_DisplayID ,modeID,
- SA_Depth ,(UBYTE) maxdepth,
- SA_Title ,"MaxDepth LORES",
- SA_ErrorCode ,&soerror,
- SA_FullPalette ,TRUE,
- {
- /* Zowee! we actually got the screen open!
- *
- * now let's try drawing into it.
- */
- maxcolors=1<<maxdepth;
- printf("maxcolors=%d\n",(int) maxcolors);
- for(colornum=0;colornum<maxcolors;++colornum)
- {
- SetAPen(&(screen->RastPort),colornum);
- Move(&(screen->RastPort),colornum,screen->BarHeight + 2);
- Draw(&(screen->RastPort),colornum,199);
- }
- Delay(50*1*6);
- CloseScreen(screen);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Hmmm. Couldn't open the screen. maybe not
- * enough CHIP RAM? Maybe not enough chips! ;-)
- */
- switch(soerror)
- {
- Quit("Bummer! You need new chips dude!",25);
- break;
- Quit("Bummer! Unknown screen mode.",25);
- break;
- Quit("Not enough CHIP memory.",25);
- break;
- Quit("Not enough FAST memory.",25);
- break;
- default:
- printf("soerror=%d\n",soerror);
- Quit("Screen opening error.",25);
- break;
- }
- Quit("Couldn't open screen.",25);
- }
- }
- Opening on Workbench:
- One of the easiest ways to help a given program peacefully coexist with
- new hardware is to allow it to open on the Workbench screen (or on any
- public screen). Software written in such a way that it can operate on any
- of 2.0's myriad possible Workbench screens should be robust enough that it
- can find out from the system any information it might need about the
- environment, and (if it understands the kind of screen that it's on) use
- the appropriate graphics.library calls to manipulate it's window.
- Here's some example code that determines the depth of the default
- public screen and opens a window on it. If it where a real application,
- the code now has a good idea of how many colors are available on the screen
- /* depthawarevisitor.c */
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- void Quit(char whytext[],UBYTE failcode)
- {
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) IntuitionBase);
- if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) GfxBase);
- printf("%s\n",whytext);
- Delay(50*10);
- exit(failcode);
- }
- void main(void)
- {
- struct Screen *screen;
- struct DrawInfo *drawinfo;
- struct Window *window;
- UWORD depth;
- if ((GfxBase=
- (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",36))==NULL)
- Quit("graphics.library is too old <V36",25);
- if ((IntuitionBase=
- (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",36))==NULL)
- Quit("intuition.library is too old <V36",25);
- if (!(screen = LockPubScreen(NULL)))
- Quit("Miserably",25);
- /* Here's where we'll ask Intuition about the screen. */
- drawinfo=GetScreenDrawInfo(screen);
- depth=drawinfo->dri_Depth;
- /* Because Intuition allocates the DrawInfo structure,
- * we have to tell it when we're done, to get the memory back.
- */
- FreeScreenDrawInfo(screen, drawinfo);
- /* This next line takes advantage of the stack-based amiga.lib
- * version of OpenWindowTags.
- */
- if (window = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_PubScreen ,screen,
- WA_Left ,0,
- WA_Width ,screen->Width,
- WA_Top ,screen->BarHeight,
- WA_Height,
- screen->Height - screen->BarHeight,
- WA_Flags,
- WA_Title ,"Big Visitor",
- {
- /* because we're a visitor, we can unlock the screen as soon
- * as the window is open
- */
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL,screen);
- printf("depth=%d\n",depth);
- /* All our window event handling might go here */
- Delay(50*10);
- /* Of course, some other program might come along
- * and change the attributes of the screen that we read from
- * DrawInfo, but that's a mean thing to do to a public screen,
- * so let's hope it doesn't happen.
- */
- CloseWindow(window);
- }
- else UnlockPubScreen(NULL,screen); /* OpenWindow failed, but we still have
- * to let go of the screen.
- */
- }
- Direct Hardware Access:
- So many of the internal mechanisms (especially those dealing with
- color) are changing, that developers who insist on directly hitting the
- hardware have no real way of writing software today which will even run
- with, let alone take advantage of, tomorrow's chips.
- What to Expect From New OS Software
- Graphics.library:
- Graphics.library enhanced to handle the capabilities offered
- by the new chips.
- Allocation Issues - New functions to properly initialize and allocate
- structures (like BitMaps and planes) which can take advantage of the chips'
- new modes.
- Color Palette Handling - The new chips will handle color in new and
- different ways. A number of new software features deal with this new color
- scheme.
- "RGB" functions - New versions of the "RGB" functions (Set, Load, Get,
- etc.) which will handle the structure of the new Color Table.
- Palette sharing - Shared or exclusive access to colors in the current
- colormap.
- Display Database - The functionality of the Display Database
- increased to provide applications with even more detailed information
- about available modes.
- Get and Set Functions - Because of the number of changes and
- extensions to system structures related to graphics, new functions will
- allow the safe manipulation of these structures.
- Sprite Handling - New methods of allocating and generating acceptable
- sprite image data will be provided.
- Intuition.library:
- Intuition enhanced to take advantage of the new graphics abilities.
- Table 1: New Modes (In Addition to Modes Supported by ECS)
- Mode Planes Colors Bandwidth (See note 1)
- ---- ------ ------ ----------------------
- LORES (320x200) 6 64 1
- 7 128 1
- 8 256 1
- 8 HAM 256,000+ (see note 2) 1
- HIRES (640x200) 5 32 2
- 6 EHB 64 (see note 3) 2
- 6 HAM 4096 (see note 4) 2
- 6 64 2
- 7 128 2
- 8 256 2
- 8 HAM 256,000+ (see note 2) 2
- SUPERHIRES (1280x200)
- 1 2 (see note 5) 1
- 2 4 (see note 5) 1
- 3 8 2
- 4 16 2
- 5 32 4
- 6 EHB 64 (see note 3) 4
- 6 HAM 4096 (see note 4) 4
- 6 64 4
- 7 128 4
- 8 256 4
- 8 HAM 256,000+ (see note 2) 4
- VGA (160,320,640x480 non-int.)
- 1 2 (see note 5) 1
- 2 4 (see note 5) 1
- 3 8 2
- 4 16 2
- 5 32 4
- 6 EHB 64 (see note 3) 4
- 6 HAM 4096 (see note 4) 4
- 6 64 4
- 7 128 4
- 8 256 4
- 8 HAM 256,000+ (see note 2) 4
- Notes:
- 1 - The "Bandwidth" number describes the amount of fetch bandwidth required
- by a particular screen mode. For example, a 5 bit deep VGA screen requires
- the 4x bandwidth fetch mode while a 1 bit VGA screen requires only the 1x
- mode.. This translates to the hardware having to move data 4 times faster.
- To be able to move data at these higher rates, the higher bandwidth modes
- require data to be properly aligned in CHIP memory that is fast enough to
- support the bandwidth. Specifically, bandwidth fetch mode factors of 1
- require data to be on 16 bit boundaries, factors of 2 require 32 bit
- boundaries, and factors of 4 require 64 bit boundaries. Restrictions like
- these are the best reason to use the system allocation functions whenever
- data is being prepared for the custom hardware. It is not guaranteed that
- all machines that have the new chipset will also have memory fast enough
- for the 4x modes. Therefore, the ONLY way to know whether or not the
- machine will support the mode you want is to check the Display Database.
- 2 - New 8 bit HAM mode uses the upper 6 bits for 64 24-bit base register
- colors or as a 6 bit modify value, plus the lower 2 bits for 18 bit hold or
- modify mode control. This mode could conceivably allow simultaneous
- display of more than 256,000 colors (up to 16.8 million, presuming a
- monitor / screenmode with enough pixels.) Please note that while the
- register planes and control planes are internally reversed in 8 bit HAM
- (the control bits are the two LSBs instead of the two MSBs), programs
- using graphics.library and intuition.library will not have to deal with
- this reversal, as it will be handled automatically for them.
- 3 - This is like the original EHB mode, but in new resolutions. It uses 5
- bits to yield 32 register colors, plus a sixth bit for 32 colors that are
- 1/2 as bright.
- 4 - This is like the original 6 bit Ham mode, but in new resolutions. It
- uses the lower 4 bits for 16 register colors, plus the upper 2 bits for
- modify mode control. This mode allows simultaneous display of 4096
- colors.
- 5 - These modes are unlike the old VGA and SUPERHIRES modes in that they
- are not restricted to a nonstandard 64 color palette.